Click HERE for information on these fascinating objects!

We have secured a reasonable quantity of
smaller and more affordable Rizalites
These well-marked tektites from the Philippines
average around 45g each and would be a great
addition to any collection!
We have good stocks of medium-sized Tektites
from the Indochinese strewn field: most show
orientation and glassy, ablated surfaces. Great
starters for a meteorite collection!
Muong Nong Tektites are entirely different from
rounded, oriented Indochinites that we more
commonly find for sale. They are irregular, display
stratification and contain inclusions of sand and
local rocks: they may well support a more exotic
origin for Indochinites...

We have some affordable specimens available.
We always have plenty of small Tektites
from Indo-China: shipped in an acrylic box,
these are mostly fragmented.
This is a 'fladle' or pancake stone from
the Ries Crater. It is a flattened chunk of
impact melt glass, ejected during the
meteoric impact. We have several in stock,
plus some beautiful cut and polished sections
showing the interior structure.